Ingrid Elfver is available for a limited number of speaking engagements (keynotes, workshops, panels, forums, etc.). She’s spoken at a wide range of venues in the United States and abroad. Everything form small, intimate groups to large audiences at conferences, etc. Use the form below to make a request. If it’s time-sensitive, make sure you also leave a voicemail at 800-246-0106.
Submit a Question or Request
Who is the ideal type of person for coaching with Ingrid?
Ingrid has worked with elite clients in many industries: A-list celebrities and entertainers; entrepreneurs; thought leaders; spiritual leaders; writers and authors; speakers; bloggers; actors and actresses; media personalities; musicians, recording, and other performance artists; dancers; filmmakers, movie producers and directors; interior designers; fashion designers; models; fine artists; politicians; athletes, etc.
Ingrid keeps the identity of her clients confidential and does not pitch them for cross-promotion or any other type of promotion.
Is Ingrid currently accepting coaching clients?
Yes. However, Ingrid works with a small number of clients and therefore has a waiting list. Click here to see if you qualify and/or to express interest.
How can I find out if I'm a fit for coaching with Ingrid?
Click here to see if you qualify.
Is Ingrid currently accepting speaking opportunities?
Yes. Ingrid is available for a limited number of speaking engagements (keynotes, workshops, panels, forums, etc.). Please use the contact form on this page to make a request. If the request is time-sensitive, make sure you also leave a voicemail at 800-246-0106.
Is Ingrid currently accepting media opportunities?
Yes. Ingrid is currently available for media appearances (TV, radio, print, and online.). Please use the contact form on this page to make a request. If the request is time-sensitive, especially if it’s a booking that will require her to appear on location, make sure you also leave a voicemail at 800-246-0106.
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No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

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