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Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

by Ingrid Elfver

Personal and Brand Development

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

Protecting Your Brand: As brands become more successful, they often try to “play it safe,” protect their existing success, and only do what’s worked previously. But, if your brand is going to survive—and thrive—you need to do new things and take calculated risks for your brand to keep evolving. It’s easy to believe a successful brand can’t get to another level, but there’s always a next level.

Copying Other Brands: Modeling successful strategies employed by other brands in your industry—and other industries—can be genius. It can also be limiting. The brand strategies that often bring the best results are unique: one-of-a-kind, individualized, and personalized strategies that are difficult for other brands to copy or replicate.

Not Taking Enough Ownership: It’s wise to consult and collaborate with experts and advisors about the direction of your brand. But, if you want your brand to be as successful and fulfilling as possible, you need to be the ultimate decision-maker. Others can contribute, but you need every one of your team members to follow your lead and vision instead of the other way around.

Get to Your Next Level

Find out If You Qualify for a Complimentary Discovery Call

Whether you’re struggling or already soaring, I’ll help you leverage, manage, and protect your brand—and enjoy the journey. No matter how  successful or fulfilled you already are, there’s always a next level. 

Online Coaching Resources

What’s Your Next Level?

No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

What’s Your Frequency?

Stay “in your flow” or “in the zone,” positive and productive no matter what’s happening.

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Get the high-level strategy and support you need to grow.

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

The Best Version of Your Brand

The Best Version of Your Brand

by Ingrid Elfver

Personal and Brand Development

The Best Version of Your Brand

Brand development is about leveraging, managing, and protecting your brand in the smartest way—creating the best version of your brand, staying true to it, and enjoying the journey. Too many brands invest tremendous time and money on things that don’t give them the return on investment (ROI) they were hoping for. Simply because they didn’t have solid brand strategy for a foundation.

Many brands make decisions without proper planning and strategic support. That often leads to loneliness, painful guessing, and costly mistakes. Those mistakes sometimes cause irreparable harm to brands. But just one smart idea can instantly transform a brand and take it to the next level. Having an expert to consistently help develop your brand can give you a competitive edge and peace of mind.

It’s simply not possible to take a brand to its peak potential—and sustain it—alone. Every brand needs strategy behind it to recognize opportunities, create opportunities, and turn adversity into more opportunities. Ingrid Elfver’s brand strategy has been used by a wide range of startups and uber-successful brands including personality-driven brands, luxury brands, and charities.

How is Your Brand Performing?

Every part of a brand affects the others—which of the 9 areas below will allow you to take your brand to the next level? What if you could improve 1%, 5%, 10% or more in one or more areas?

  1. RANK–Be recognized as a leader or the leader in your niche.
  2. IMAGE–Create maximum brand love and loyalty.
  3. UNIQUE–Be (and Feel) 100% original and 1-of-a-kind.
  4. EQUITY–Increase your brand equity and earning power.
  5. CENTERED–Be positive, productive, and “on purpose.”
  6. TEAM–The best people who support and promote your brand.
  7. IMPACT–Make a positive difference in more lives.
  8. OPPORTUNITY–More of what you want to do, on your terms.
  9. EXPOSURE–Get more “good” publicity and protect yourself from bad publicity.

Get to Your Next Level

Find out If You Qualify for a Complimentary Discovery Call

Whether you’re struggling or already soaring, I’ll help you leverage, manage, and protect your brand—and enjoy the journey. No matter how  successful or fulfilled you already are, there’s always a next level. 

Online Coaching Resources

What’s Your Next Level?

No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

What’s Your Frequency?

Stay “in your flow” or “in the zone,” positive and productive no matter what’s happening.

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Get the high-level strategy and support you need to grow.

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Personal Development

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Personal Development

by Ingrid Elfver

Personal and Brand Development

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Personal Development

The Law of Attraction: You can create whatever you dream of, you are truly that powerful. But “The Law of Attraction” needs to be combined with the right action. Focusing on what you want—visualizing and affirming the future reality you want to manifest—is important. But so is the right personal development strategy, action, and belief in your ability.

Positive Thinking: Focusing (sometimes) on the negative is honest and realistic. Bad things happen, even to good people. Most of your thoughts should be positive and productive. But, if you only think about what you want, you’ll quickly lose touch with what is. And you’ll be blindsided, devastated, and possibly destroyed when bad things happen—instead of preparing for it so you can turn your adversity into opportunity.

Too Much Yes: No one wants to be told “No” or have someone disagree with them—unless they’re smart. The most successful people are quick to acknowledge they don’t know everything, about everything. They surround themselves with others who are competent and mindful to help them achieve their goals that may seem out of reach, and to overcome the challenges in their way.

Get to Your Next Level

Find out If You Qualify for a Complimentary Discovery Call

Whether you’re struggling or already soaring, I’ll help you leverage, manage, and protect your brand—and enjoy the journey. No matter how  successful or fulfilled you already are, there’s always a next level. 

Online Coaching Resources

What’s Your Next Level?

No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

What’s Your Frequency?

Stay “in your flow” or “in the zone,” positive and productive no matter what’s happening.

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Get the high-level strategy and support you need to grow.

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

The Best Version of You

The Best Version of You

by Ingrid Elfver

Personal and Brand Development

The Best Version of You

No matter how successful or fulfilled you are, there’s always a next level. Personal development is about getting to that next level, consistently becoming the best version of yourself. The more conscious you become of who you are and why you do what you do, the more likely you are to create the experience and outcomes you want for yourself and others—internally and externally—both personally and professionally.

According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has 12-60,000 thoughts per day—and 80% of those thoughts are negative. If you don’t manage your thoughts, you can be successful, but you likely won’t sustain your success and you won’t enjoy the journey. Turning just one negative thought into positive and productive energy can significantly shift your day in an empowering way.

It’s simply not possible to see, let alone break through your blocks and barriers alone. We all need help to see and nurture our gifts, turn our weaknesses into strengths, reframe our fears, and create the best versions of ourselves and our lives. Ingrid Elfver’s personal development strategy is a proven process that’s been used by clients from all walks of life from housewives to household names, entrepreneurial startups to business icons, creative artists to A-list celebrities.

How Are You Performing?

Every part of you affects the others—which of the 9 areas below will allow you to take yourself to the next level? What if you could improve 1%, 5%, 10% or more in one or more of these areas?

  1. INFINITE INTELLIGENCE– Feel connected to, and aligned with, a force greater than yourself.
  2. TRUST YOURSELF– Be more clear, confident, and decisive.
  3. WHAT YOU DO BEST– Leverage your unique talents in the most effective and satisfying way.
  4. YOUR TRUE VALUE– See your value and help others do so.
  5. WILD DREAM GOALS– Create new goals and achieve them.
  6. RESULTS– Measure your results and get the results you want.
  7. YOUR EXPERIENCE– Be present and enjoy the journey more.
  8. THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU– Fix, or get rid of, the not-so-good and attract more of those who lift you up.
  9. KIND POWER– Be a respected leader who’s powerful but also inspiring and empowering.

Get to Your Next Level

Find out If You Qualify for a Complimentary Discovery Call

Whether you’re struggling or already soaring, I’ll help you leverage, manage, and protect your brand—and enjoy the journey. No matter how  successful or fulfilled you already are, there’s always a next level. 

Online Coaching Resources

What’s Your Next Level?

No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

What’s Your Frequency?

Stay “in your flow” or “in the zone,” positive and productive no matter what’s happening.

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Get the high-level strategy and support you need to grow.

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

What’s Your “Frequency”?

What's Your "Frequency"?

by Ingrid Elfver

Personal and Brand Development

What’s Your “Frequency”?

Think about the moments or periods of your life during which you’ve felt the most “in your flow” or “in your zone.” In other words, the times you’ve felt like you were exactlywhere you were supposed to be, doing exactlywhat you were supposed to be doing—at a high level. Moments like that can feel effortless and they can make you feel unlimited, like you’re tapped into “the force of universe,” “a higher power,” or some type of “Infinite Intelligence.” On the inside, you’re clear, centered, and confident. On the outside, everything you’re doing is clicking. As a result, you also feel more energetic and magnetic. This state of elevated awareness, connected, and effectiveness is what Ingrid calls “high frequency.”

This high frequency state is reinforced by thinking, saying, and doing certain things. It’s also reinforced by surrounding yourself with likeminded people who value high frequency. Anyone who’s excelled at anything understands this basic idea, but most people don’t use a proven method to help them harness it. In other words, most people aren’t as conscious as they can be about why they’re high frequency sometimes, but not other times—and they’re not able to sustain it when they are in that state. For most people, being high frequency is somewhat or entirely unpredictable. But there are ways to raise the frequency of yourself and your brand—and keep it at a high level for more harmony and better results.

Tune in, turn it on, and turn it up

No one can stay in a high frequency state all the time, so that shouldn’t be your goal. But everyone can follow simple proven strategies to elevate their frequency. And everyone can learn how to stay high frequency in the face of their greatest fears, as well as in the face of their greatest challenges and adversity. When you’re consistently in a high frequency state, you’re more creative. You’re more efficient and productive. Your “crazy wild dream goals” seem more attainable. You manifest more opportunities and relationships that are good for you or your brand. You feel more present and in harmony with who you are and where you are. And you have a more positive impact on others.

Get to Your Next Level

Find out If You Qualify for a Complimentary Discovery Call

Whether you’re struggling or already soaring, I’ll help you leverage, manage, and protect your brand—and enjoy the journey. No matter how  successful or fulfilled you already are, there’s always a next level. 

Online Coaching Resources

What’s Your Next Level?

No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

What’s Your Frequency?

Stay “in your flow” or “in the zone,” positive and productive no matter what’s happening.

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Get the high-level strategy and support you need to grow.

Three Things that Can Hurt Your Brand

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Who Are You "Masterminding" With?

by Ingrid Elfver

Personal and Brand Development

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

“Masterminding” is when two or more people gather with a common goal. When this happens, an invisible 3rd force of energy is created that leads to a greater outcome than the sum of the parts. The idea of mastermind isn’t unique to Ingrid. It was greatly popularized by Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich. However, Ingrid is unique in her ability to mastermind with the most successful people in a positive and productive way: seeing and supporting them, stretching them and challenging them, and holding them accountable—in a kind and inspired way.

Ingrid’s Unique Mastermind Process

Ingrid’s unique “mastermind” approach to helping individuals and brands get to the next level is more empowering than “coaching,” “consulting,” or “mentoring.” Ingrid is more of a muse, co-creator, and collaborator who doesn’t tell her clients what to do. Instead, she helps them see opportunities and make the right decisions for them. In other words, decisions aligned with their biggest and best vision of themselves and their brand. The more successful someone is, the more they need an objective, third-party support to make sure they’re making decisions for the right reasons. There’s too much at stake.

Too often, individuals and brands make decisions based on partial information, or incorrect information. They make decisions based on what they think or feel they need to do, instead of what they really want to do. They make decisions based on false perceptions of themselves and their industry. They make decisions based on advice from people who don’t see the whole picture or don’t have their best interests at heart. They make decisions based on a small, limited view of what’s possible instead of what’s really possible. And they make decisions that sometimes lead to external success but also internal stress, disharmony, imbalance, and unhappiness.

This style of working with people is deep, high-level, and transformative. Ingrid’s clients typically say that, even years after working with her, they’re still benefitting from this unique and empowering type of mastermind experience. The process is designed to reinforce your ability to follow your own “inner guru” and develop a greater trust in your own instincts and intuition—in a grounded and results-based way. This ability to confidently tune in with and follow this type of Infinite Intelligence within oneself is the most valuable asset that any individual or brand possesses. It allows the seemingly impossible to suddenly seem attainable, which is the first step toward creating it.

Get to Your Next Level

Find out If You Qualify for a Complimentary Discovery Call

Whether you’re struggling or already soaring, I’ll help you leverage, manage, and protect your brand—and enjoy the journey. No matter how  successful or fulfilled you already are, there’s always a next level. 

Online Coaching Resources

What’s Your Next Level?

No matter how successful you are, there’s always a way to shift, evolve, and leverage your brand.

What’s Your Frequency?

Stay “in your flow” or “in the zone,” positive and productive no matter what’s happening.

Who Are You “Masterminding” With?

Get the high-level strategy and support you need to grow.
